Have you had an impactful psychedelic experience and want to help others integrate theirs?

It's that time again! Our annual Psychedelic Integration Specialist Certification Course!

As a leading group in psychedelic education, our Psychedelic Integration Certification Course offers an the highest quality and most affordable option while providing an in-depth insights and practical skills for becoming a Certified Psychedelic Integration Specialist. Our staff consist of therapists, PhD's, psychiatrist, Plant medicine facilitators, psychedelic practitioners and more!

This is one of our most popular courses and has SOLD OUT each time with 100% 5 STAR Reviews. If interested Pre-sign up now for our waiting list! 

Our last two courses sold out and we expect the same for this one starting April 19th, May 17th, June 21st, July 19th, August 16th 6-9pm CST

To Learn More Click Below: